Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.
Reforestation projects should:
• include a range of tree species
• not include invasive species because of possible 31 with native species
• aim to capture carbon, protect the environment and provide sustainable sources of 32 for local people
• use tree seeds with a high genetic diversity to increase resistance to 33 and climate change
• plant trees on previously forested land which is in a bad condition, not select land which is being used for 34
Large-scale reforestation projects
• Base planning decisions on information from accurate 35 .
• Drones are useful for identifying areas in Brazil which are endangered by keeping 36 and illegal logging.
Lampang Province, Northern Thailand
• A forest was restored in an area damaged by mining.
• A variety of native fig trees were planted, which are important for
- supporting many wildlife species
-increasing the 37 of recovery by attracting animals and birds, e.g., 38 were soon attracted to the area.
Involving local communities
• Destruction of mangrove forests in Madagascar made it difficult for people to make a living from 39 .
• The mangrove reforestation project:
- provided employment for local people
- restored a healthy ecosystem
- protects against the higher risk of 40 .