Choose TWO correct answers.
Choose TWO correct answers.
What is the students' opinion about each of the following food trends?
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 25 - 30.
A This is only relevant to young people.
B This may have disappointing results.
C This already seems to be widespread.
D Retailers should do more to encourage this.
E More financial support is needed for this.
F Most people know little about this.
G There should be stricter regulations about this.
H This could be dangerous.
Food trends
Use of local products 25
Reduction in unnecessary packaging 26
Gluten-free and lactose-free food 27
Use of branded products related to celebrity chefs 28
Development of 'ghost kitchens' for takeaway food 29
Use of mushrooms for common health concerns 30